Admissions Process
he Joy House is not an emergency shelter or short-term program. The admissions process typically takes three to four weeks. Application must be made by the teen’s legal guardian, and by the parent(s) with whom the teen primarily resides. Therefore, applicants (those seeking help) – those living together within the home – are the “Presenting Family.”
As you move through these steps, we continually evaluate if our program can meet your family’s needs. If it is determined that The Joy House program is not the best option for your family we will provide referrals upon request.
- Call the Joy House office at (706) 253-7569 where you will receive a telephone interview to see if our program meets your needs and answer any questions you might have.
- Make an appointment to come to the Joy House to pick up an application. Directions to the Joy House are available on our website.
- The teen’s legal guardian (the “Presenting Family”) must submit a completed application and all requested documentation to the Intake Coordinator. Applications may be mailed, faxed or brought to the administration office. (706) 253-7570
- The application packet is reviewed by the Intake Coordinator to insure all information is complete. Once the we have completed information the packet is passed along to our Director of Residential Therapy (DRT) for review.
- The DRT will review the application determining if we should proceed with the intake process. If so, the parents/guardians and teen will be invited to participate in a series of interviews to determine if the placement is appropriate. If placement is not appropriate we will refer the teen to another program.
- If the teen/family is officially accepted, additional documentation will be needed and placement is scheduled at the earliest possible date based on availability of openings in the home.