April E-News

April E-News

[tpath_button url=”https://thejoyhouse.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/2018-0430The-Joy-House-E-News-1.pdf” style=”default” size=”default” color=”” hover_color=”” bg_color=””...
Counselor’s Corner – What’s in Your Center?

Counselor’s Corner – What’s in Your Center?

By: Bill Wattenbarger, PhD If Scripture were to be reduced to a single sentence, I would choose, “God is real and does stuff.” Because God is real he must be taken seriously. While jewelry in a box is real, God is not jewelry nor is He in a box. God is alive and well,...
April E-News

March E-News

[tpath_button url=”https://thejoyhouse.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/The-Joy-House-E-News-March2018.pdf” style=”default” size=”default” color=”” hover_color=”” bg_color=””...