Legacy Giving

Legacy Giving

Testimony and Encouragement – Steve Lowe, Executive Director

A tremendous blessing to any ministry is partners who contribute through legacy giving. This is when ministry friends bequeath a portion of their assets, at their passing, to further the mission and vision of the ministry. These investments can significantly propel a ministry forward to impact more lives. I have had some faithful partners share with me that they had made provisions to include The Joy House as part of their will. Out of their love for this ministry, they not only included us, but they wanted to encourage others to consider the same. Here is what they had to say:

“Over the years my wife and I have thought much about leaving a legacy to help wonderful Christ-centered ministries.  We believe that we can impact The Joy House by leaving a percentage of what is left after we have gone home to the Lord. There is no question the impact that this ministry has had on many young people. I had hesitated putting this in writing until we had made the change in our will. Now please understand, we do not have much but every little bit will help the ministry continue for many years. We all know that if we live long enough we could deplete our savings but we believe it is our act of trusting that God will use what we have left to help change more lives. Some of you may have already done this and that is wonderful. It is our prayer by sharing this that others sense the Holy Spirit’s prompting to do the same.”

It is my desire, under God’s direction, to continue building and shaping this ministry to be a beacon for Christ’s hope and healing for many years to come. Legacy giving from faithful partners, like these friends, will insure that The Joy House meets that goal and continues impacting future generations. I hope some of you will consider making The Joy House part of your giving legacy. If you would like more information or to discuss this possibility further, please contact me at 706-253-7569 or via email at [email protected].