You Did It!

We are back in the office today from our holiday break and we are excited to announce that we have raised $60,000 towards our $50,000 goal for the “Second Home for Second Chances” Matching Campaign! You did it! We met our goal and then some! A total of $110,000 will be added to our capital campaign, a huge boost towards making this project a reality! Thank you to everyone who shared share this opportunity with your friends, family and business colleagues. We are so very grateful for everyone that has contributed. Every dollar helped us reach our matching goal for the end of the year. We are a big step closer to our total goal of $1,200,000 to complete this project. We hope to get to $780,000 by July 2018 so that we can begin construction. Please feel free to continue to share this project with anyone that may be interested in helping us make this a reality. More information about this campaign may be found by clicking here.

If you would like to contribute towards this project, to give by check, simply make the check payable to The Joy House and mark in the memo line: “Capital Campaign.” Mail your check to: The Joy House – PO Box 247 – Jasper, GA 30143 or you can give online by simply clicking here: