Summarizing his faith, Bill gives an Everyman’s creed saying, “God is real. He is the source of all fact, truth and goodness. The Bible tells us about Him and we can know Him personally through His Son, Jesus. Every moment is an opportunity to accept His loving lordship, or not. All things are sacred and nothing is too small for God. God really knows, really loves, really saves and really heals.”
Bill earned a Master’s degree from the University of Florida and a Doctoral degree in Counseling from the University of Georgia. He is recently retired from a career in vocational rehabilitation, helping those with special needs to live and work independently. He served in many different capacities, with 10 years at the Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation, a large residential program.
He is married with five children and four grandchildren. Bill’s interests include devotional writing, gardening, music and drama.
In Galatians, nine fruit of the Spirit are presented. They are a picture of Christian character. All are given, not earned. Love, joy and peace describe the inner life in Christ, one’s state of being. A Christian is patient, kind, good and gentle, the outward signs of an indwelling Holy Spirit. A Christian is also faithful and deliberate in his devotion to God and God’s call.
Joy is more than mere happiness. It is ranked with Love and Peace. The Joy House provides safe haven to those who seek to know God’s Love, find God’s Peace and experience God’s Joy, the irrepressible need to express their new life with thanksgiving and witness. It is this Joy which propels all who receive its services, support its mission and programs, and serve in its ministry. Bill is grateful to be part of the inspired work of the Joy House.
We are eternally grateful for our donors! You are a critical component for use being able to provide Christ-centered restorative care to teens, families, and individuals!
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