Placement Criteria
The residential program at the Joy House generally admits struggling teens with mild to moderate emotional and/or behavioral problems, such as depression, anxiety, oppositional/defiant behavior, lying, stealing, school conduct problems, academic underachievement, poor social skills, running away, unruly at home, sexual identity issues, issues with pornography, sexual promiscuity, poor self-image, etc. Teens exhibiting more significant, at-risk behaviors or problems will be evaluated on an individual basis.
- Girls and Boys, Age 12-17.
- Minimum I.Q. of 80 and able to function in school.
- No lengthy criminal background.
- No severe emotional problems (we are not a lock down facility and do not have constant monitoring capabilities).
- No history of sexually offending behavior or sexual perpetration.
- No drug or alcohol dependencies or addictions that require special rehabilitation.
- Teens referred from Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice are eligible, but considered on a case-by-case basis.
- Exceptions may be made on a case by case basis
- Teen’s family typically resides within 60 miles of the Joy House campus.
- Family involvement and commitment to work toward reunification. Must provide home for teen on weekends, holidays, and school breaks.
- Family must be willing to meet at the Joy House to participate in all counseling and parent-support group sessions.
- Family must commit and be involved for the duration of the program.
- Child must have health insurance