Our Matching Gift Challenge for our “Second Home for Second Chances” Campaign is underway. As we announced earlier in November, we’ve been given a tremendous opportunity to move forward in our efforts to build our next girls home. Partners of the ministry have put up a $50,000 matching challenge through the end of 2017. Any gift to our capital campaign will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $50,000 allowing us to move forward $100,000. Please prayerfully consider making an investment. So far we have raised $3,000 during this matching challenge. Will you join us in our efforts to raise an additional $47,000 by the end of the year?
If you would like to give by check, simply make the check payable to The Joy House and mark in the memo line: “Capital Campaign.” Mail your check to: The Joy House – PO Box 247 – Jasper, GA 30143. Or you can give online by simply clicking here: https://thejoyhouse.org/2ndchances/