Nursing Aspirations Lead to Local NICU Tour
By: Leighanne S.
In the fall of 2017 I realized I wanted to become a nurse. I told many people about my desire, including my science tutor, Mrs. Kay Bechtel. In February of 2018 Mrs. Bechtel and her husband arranged for my mother and me to tour the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at a local Atlanta hospital.
We expected a brief tour with minimal interaction, maybe getting a glimpse through the windows to see the unit. To our surprise the nurse brought us into the unit for two hours so I could really experience what it was like being inside. I have seen pictures on television and the internet of what a NICU looks like but going to see it for myself was definitely more exciting. We saw a baby that weighed only one pound who had been born at 23 weeks. Multiple babies weighed below three pounds. As to be expected, many of the babies there were very sick. In spite of the circumstances, when I was walking through that unit I felt a strong sense of peace. Even though the babies were sick and not doing very well, I looked at them and just knew that God has a plan for them. He has His hand on each one of them.
This experience is only one of many examples of why I am thankful for The Joy House. Thanks to The Joy House I had the opportunity to get a glimpse into my potential future as a nurse.